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- /* Tagline.rexx
- v1.4 05-Dec-96
- -Adds a random tagline to all messages in the outgoing folder.
- -Tagfile should contain taglines separated by one separator line. You
- can define the separator yourself.
- -No tagline is used again until they are all used once. (During one execution
- of the script, naturally)
- -It's possible not to use taglines with certain adresses. Just list them
- in variable no_tags
- -Variable permanent contains text which is added to every message. It may
- contain linefeeds, for example:
- permanent='Yours truly,'NL' Kai Nikulainen'
- -hedrickd@bikerider.com added pretag. It's added after permanent but before tag
- The difference between permanent and pretag is: permanent is added to every
- message, pretag only to in messages which taglines are allowed.
- As always comments and bug reports are welcomed at knikulai@utu.fi
- */
- options results
- NL='0a'x /* Newline */
- /*
- ** Change these values to your liking
- */
- tagfiles=11 /* Number of tagfiles */
- tagfile.1='packed:txt/taglines_1' /* Their names */
- tagfile.2='packed:txt/taglines_2'
- tagfile.3='packed:txt/taglines_3'
- tagfile.4='packed:txt/taglines_4'
- tagfile.5='packed:txt/taglines_5'
- tagfile.6='packed:txt/taglines_6'
- tagfile.7='packed:txt/taglines_7'
- tagfile.8='packed:txt/taglines_8'
- tagfile.9='packed:txt/taglines_9'
- tagfile.10='packed:txt/taglines_10'
- tagfile.11='packed:txt/taglines_11'
- separator='$'
- permanent=''
- no_tags='yam@dsdelft.nl ' /* list of addresses which will not be able to enjoy your tags */
- pretag=NL/* Your Custom line to go before your tagline */
- call random(,,time(s)) /* Let's make this really random */
- /* let's first read all taglines */
- tc=1 /* How many tags are there? */
- tags.1='' /* Set the first to empty */
- tagnum=random(1,tagfiles) /* Select a tagfile */
- if open(in,tagfile.tagnum,'R') then do /* A tagfile was found */
- do until eof(in) /* Read everything in it */
- rivi=readln(in) /* Read one line */
- if rivi=separator then do /* If the line was separator line */
- tc=tc+1 /* Next nonblank line will begin a new tag.. */
- tags.tc='' /* which will be empty first */
- end
- else /* The line was not a separator */
- tags.tc=tags.tc || rivi || NL /* Add it to the current tagline */
- end /* do until eof*/
- call close(1) /* Close tagfile */
- end
- else do
- address 'YAM' 'Request "Could not open ' ||tagfile.tagnum||'!" "OK"'
- exit
- end
- if tags.tc='' then tc=tc-1 /* Let's just be sure there are no blanks... */
- maxtag=tc /* maxtag tells how many taglines are unused */
- address 'YAM' /* Let's tell YAM what to do.. */
- 'SetFolder 1'
- 'GetFolderInfo Max' /* How many messages are there? */
- n=result /* Remember it! */
- do m=0 to n-1 /* Do for each message in folder: */
- 'SetMail' m /* Select it */
- 'GetMailInfo File' /* Get name of the mailfile */
- call open(out,result,'A') /* Open it for appending */
- if permanent~='' then /* If there is a line for every mail,*/
- writeln(out,permanent) /* then write it */
- 'GetMailInfo To' /* Get receiver */
- if ok_to_add_tag(result) then do /* Is the address in the forbidden list? */
- i=rnd(maxtag) /* Get a random number 1..maxtag */
- if pretag~='' then
- writeln(out,pretag) /* Add customized line before Tagline */
- writeln(out,tags.i) /* Write the tagline */
- temp=tags.maxtag /* Swap the last unused.. */
- tags.maxtag=tags.i /* ...and just used tag */
- tags.i=temp /* Last used tag is now last */
- maxtag=maxtag-1 /* Decrease counter ==> it wont be used again*/
- if maxtag=0 then maxtag=tc /* All tags were used, so reset counter */
- end /* if ok_to_add_tag(result)*/
- call close(out) /* Close message file */
- end /* do m= */
- exit
- ok_to_add_tag:
- /* Check if the address is listed in no_tags list */
- parse arg email
- email=translate(email,' ','<>()",',' ') /* Remove unwanted chars */
- email=word(email,words(email))
- return pos(email,no_tags)=0 /* Was it in the list? */
- rnd:
- /* random can't handle big numbers... This will create a big number and get
- ** modulo n+1. This needs editing, if you have more than 30999 taglines... :-)
- */
- parse arg n
- r=1+(1000*random(1,30)+random(1,999))//n
- return r